Members' Diaries and Articles
Over the years of Sceaftesige's existence, a few members have written diaries to recount their experiences with Regia Anglorum.  They have been sucked out of the previous websites and word documents, and adapted for pleasurable reading at your convenience. 


A word from the Group Leader
When Alan first applied to join, back in August'98, it occurred to me that it would be useful as a recruiting tool to record the impressions of a raw recruit as they joined and progressed within the group.

When it became obvious that Alan was indeed going to join up, I asked him if he would write a diary of his impressions and expectations.  What follows on the linked pages are his entries.

My intention was and still is to edit these as little as possible — I'm interested in real views, not a sanitized version for public consumption.  However, when Alan sent me 'In The Beginning...' he sent it as a MS-Word8 document which I could not handle.  Fortunately, I have a text editor which allows me to display files in their raw format — so I had the complete history of all the edits Alan had made; all I had to do was re-construct it into a document.  'In The Beginning...' is the document re-constructed by me and approved by Alan (no coercion involved).

The second installment, titled by me as 'Acquiring some status...', arrived in rtf format and just required converting to html — with a few minor tweaks for grammar.  As with 'In The Beginning...' I've added the odd comment here and there.  These are all enclosed in square brackets [ ].